Sunday, June 3, 2012

The good and the ugly

If the mind was a bottle and water the goodness that fills it, we have always loved to see it in the amount that fills it - the bottle half full, the bottle a fourth full, etcetra. What is ignored is the capacity of the mind to be, in this imagery, empty - or being facelessly filled by that which our fathers wrote in the books as evil; which I would like to define as the capacity to do something other than what has been proscribed as good. Surely good doesn't always triumph, else this would been a heavenly world ruled by idealistic rulers, every single man of the society content with what he has, with joy in every corner, with no tear in any eye, with no wretched murders killing men as sheep, with no duty less sons howling at their fathers, with no cycle of money playing the common whore. No that would be the heaven men dream for in their tired sleep, this would be the promise at the back of the minds when men choose to do what is good and righteous. That would be the world filled by angels.
But ours was filled with men, who in their dire more primitive forms are just an evolved being, grasping onto  what they say is their own, living off the same way all  other beings would in the wild - a fight for survival. All the difference between them and us being that all we are left is to fight each other for the same. We then try to distract ourselves from this - we would build tall buildings, paint a canvass, fall in love, cry for the good, fight against the ugliness that we truly are. All the same forgetting the one true fact that minds were not built for the nobility of doing good or the wrath of delivering evil, it was built for the sole purpose of survival. And the fact that we in our world have grown beyond this sole purpose into a present where at times we do face the chance of doing what is right and that which is not is all the progress mankind has made till this moment.

So if we we have grown beyond the animal definition of survival into a societal form, where colors of custom and tradition, borne out of religious labels of legends - the colors tended to blind the ugly part of human doings into a beautiful spectra, where every soul in the audience is marveled by the beautiful show of doings of others; a society which wants to display the heavenly existence of the present, comes out the question - is it 'good' to be 'good' or 'bad' to be 'good' or really 'doesn't matter' to be 'good' ? The premise of this was cast off by the very definition of good, being in equal proportion both vague and prejudiced, the same definition and the need to be good, as repeated to us each and every moment of our growing up. No, I am not referring to those who would commit a crime for necessity, by 'us' I refer to those who have a choice in the old referendum in the debate of good and bad - those who would commit a crime by choice or by the lust for it; and those who would not. And so men grow up, remembering the necessity to do good as thats how the gods would command us to do - letting it slip to the subconscious the truth behind it all - a fear of doing otherwise.

But surely, the ugly side of the mind does exist - why would we have lust, addictions, greed, thee fantasies. Putting all these inside an as imaginative creature as the mind, would produce wild cravings - the desire for the unthinkable, the wrath of the ugly, the want of blood and murder, the satisfaction of revenge. Because it is true there ever was and ever will be only one Buddha, who could grow even beyond this. But we will never be Buddhas- we would always be humans, the ugliness of who's evil perpetuates along with the beauty of who's good.

Shall we be good and holy by the definition of religion, or shall we complicitly give in to the lust of evil, which appears to be even purer, without the guilt of it? Both choices will always exist around us, each being pure and true to their word, leaving behind the prejudices of the Gods we created and the legends we repeated. What shall an ideal man do - that which would make him a man? The true choice, can be both - the good and the ugly, if the process of thought is grown beyond the shackles of society; each choice being correct in its view, if given in with full complicity - not doing good due to fear , as it destroys the true virtue it lives for and not doing evil with guilt, as it colors its own ugliness.

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