Sunday, June 5, 2011

The Beginning Of All Faiths

I have been keeping this moment waiting for a real long time. I have come to realize this that writing - is something that is my only unconditional love in the world. After all we live in such a world which appears simple only in prospect and on the outside. Once you manage a look of what is inside, you learn that what looked neat - was dirty, what appeared simple- was perhaps a matrix weaved in with so many complexities that it manges to show off as simple, what looked fair - was perhaps the most unjust and prejudiced places- this world- thats the place i am referring to. we first learn that we have to live here, and then we learn to connect. And we never recognize how important such a connection is unless someone tells us what lies at the other end of the line - death.

When first explained of death, all of feel fear, some of us - like me- even cry that god made such a rule that your time at this place with these people - happens to be limited. And that is the end of things. But no, we are then taught another homegrown belief that life isn't the everything. We are taught about things like the soul, the existence of a heaven and a hell, of rebirth. I , being it my genes, have given it in a lot of thpught, about theories, read about them, heard about them. but at this point as i am typing out another moment of my life, i can be bare face with the truth. When spirituality mingles with religion to give out a theory - it is an utter nonsense. there is no soul. There is no heaven,. There is no hell. And even if there was truth in any such things, the guardian of all beginnings and all ends, which imparted faith within our hearts, which empowers the existence of a thousand suns and millions of stars, which enlightens our hopes, which darkens our fears- never meant for us to know about that. we were equipped with our own truths. our gods were in our minds. our angels in our hearts. This world was our heaven. This world was our hell.

And yet when you realize and get to smell the faded view of the brutal truths that our world really carries, you still end up doing the thing which you did at the very beginning - searching for a connection. but now that you've all matured, given (i wont say passed out) the fourth sem of your college- you now true connection. for some of us, this connection becomes a person and transcends into the monologue of love. i have never fallen in love. to me dedicating your entire heart and life to a single being seems... too selfish and- too absurd.(considering this view, i dont think things are gonna change soon)

For some it just is something else in their lives, that involve faith - in fact that involve taking a leap of faith. Everyone takes a leap of faith in their lives. sometimes you just disguise them as necessary risks. I consider that the first leap of faith in each of our lives was when we took our first steps - when we responded to what our parents were asking - and our muscles contracted, our limbs straightened - and we moved in a way that distinguishes the years of evolution of a human being. That was our first true leap of faith. But not to be our last.

With radical happenings, an unbearably innocent sequence of events, an unstrung chain of choices - thats how you define life. i do not believe (as many might doubt) that life is all brutish. i do not believe that life is all magnificence either. it just a unique sequence of events that you get to be part of - that you get to shape. all the concepts of dimensionality and quantum physics ensure that. So this is the place where i intend to arrange them together. This is the place where i intend to take a leap of faith.

And i know the end result will be - beautiful.

1 comment:

  1. heya liked it and i m lukin forward 2 c d beautiful end result very soon
